(This is an archived version of the threat assessment from 2022. The current version can be found here)


CFCS continues to assess the threat from cyber espionage and cyber crime to be VERY HIGH. The threat level for cyber activism was raised on May 18th from LOW to MEDIUM, and again in March 2023 from MEDIUM to HIGH. The threat from destructive cyber attacks remains LOW and the the threat from cyber terrorism also remains unchanged and is thus still NONE.

The threat from cyber espionage is VERY HIGH. This persistent threat mainly stems from Russia and China and continues to lead to cyber attacks against targets in Denmark. Parts of Danish society is subject to a perpetual active and serious threat. The threat is mainly directed towards the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense, but also targets government agencies and businesses within other sectors vital to society.

The threat from cyber crime is VERY HIGH. The most serious threat from cyber crime directed towards Denmark comes from ransomware attacks. The ability of cyber criminals to collaborate, division of labour, and specialisation facilitates this threat and contributes to maintaining the high threat level from cyber crime.

For the first time, CFCS has included a chapter about influence operation supported by cyber attacks. Nation states, including Russia, is actively using cyber attacks in their attempts to influence public opinion and responses in other countries. One of the best known examples of influence operations using cyber attacks was the hack and leak attack against the Democratic National Committee (DNC) which was executed in connection with the United States' 2016 presidential election.

CFCS assess that Denmark is not currently a priority target for influence operations from nation states with the capacity to carry out influence operations using cyber attacks.

  • Author

    Center for Cybersikkerhed

  • Release Date

    August 22, 2022

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